Stepping Back to Step Forward

Sometimes it takes a bit of independence for someone, or something, to fully reach its potential. Such was the case with our women’s microloan program. After years of working closely with the strong females at the head of this initiative to teach them basic financial, business and microloan principles, as well as helping them establish … Continue reading Stepping Back to Step Forward

Sowing A Sewing Business

Sumbati and Botori are two young women with a lot of determination. After completing one year of vocational training at The Faraja Centre in Arusha, our two budding tailors’ sewing business is up and running. Sumbati was sponsored by Maasai Partners and Botori by MP partner organization Sisters for Peace, to attend one year at … Continue reading Sowing A Sewing Business

Summer 2018 News

The people Maasai Partners works with in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area have been facing numerous difficulties lately, many of which are due to a cholera epidemic. Mobility restrictions, market closures and suffering from the disease are just a few of the problems they face. We’re working to support local leaders who are working to improve … Continue reading Summer 2018 News

Returning to the Boma

The world within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area seems almost surreal. There is an inexplicable energizing quality to the rolling hills speckled with bomas. During Judy’s latest trip to Tanzania, the Maasai Partners crew was able to visit our service villages and connect with members of the Maasai community. As we headed out from Karatu early … Continue reading Returning to the Boma

The Importance of Education

As we walked up to Tumaini Junior School recently, students were running around celebrating the end of examinations and the start of the Easter holiday. The Maasai Partners team was visiting our sponsored students at the school during Judy’s most recent visit to Karatu. The six students sponsored by Maasai Partners were about to return … Continue reading The Importance of Education

Walking the Talk

Walking more than 60 kilometers over a steep, high-elevation landscape while carrying 30 kilograms of medical supplies on his head, Dr. Shemagembe’s first assignment was to reach remote villages suffering from a measles outbreak. Recently we entered Ngorongoro Conservation Area to meet with Dr. Shemagembe, an incredible individual who has been serving Maasai communities for … Continue reading Walking the Talk

Making connections

When she woke up parched in the middle of the night, Liz Reilly instinctively reached for the water bottle she had packed. The one, partially-filled bottle she had grabbed in the rush of packing for the village. The water that was to last her the next four days. “I would have to ask for a … Continue reading Making connections

Impressions of the Boma

Hours from what is typically considered civilization, in the midst of a vast landscape on the edge of several craters, among people whose ways have hardly changed over the course of several centuries—staying in the boma is almost like stepping back in time. This past fall, Maasai Partners staff and members of partner organization Sisters … Continue reading Impressions of the Boma

Winter 2017 News

It might’ve been a time for hibernation in much of the western world these past few months, but in Tanzania Maasai Partners staff has been keeping busy. Founder Judy Lane and members of Sisters for Peace, a partner organization, visited our projects and stayed in the village in Ngorongoro. Our on-the-ground fellow, Kim La Reau, … Continue reading Winter 2017 News

The Roots of a Founder

Seven years ago, Judy Lane made a decision that would not only change her life trajectory but set in motion the workings of a partnership that would grow into the full-on nonprofit organization that is now Maasai Partners. Many of you have read her short bio, but we wanted to learn a little more in … Continue reading The Roots of a Founder