Stories / NCN Mission


Maasai Partners (MP) aims to help the people of a small, remote part of Tanzania reach for a better future.
MP operates under Ngorongoro Community Network, which is a registered 501(c)(3).

A thriving, self-sustaining Maasai community with basic human rights for all.

How do we achieve this mission and vision?
By investing in local leadership to drive community-level change;
By working collaboratively with our network of partner organizations, based locally and internationally

Story Three

Education is often overlooked in remote areas, so we’re building and sponsoring children to change this…

Read more about education>

Maasai Partners approach

Under Ngorongoro Community Network, which was founded in January 2011, Maasai Partners (MP) works to promote health, education, welfare, and economic development focusing on the Arusha region of northern Tanzania. To combat the extreme poverty in the region, we foster and support a variety of grassroots programs.

A Maasai girl of the Ngorongoro Community NetworkMP beliefs

We believe the most successful development programs rely on the villagers themselves to determine what is most necessary for their own success. We collaborate with the villagers, identifying the resources needed to further community development. MP networks and collaborates with area nonprofits to establish effective programs within the villages, while providing independent support.

Maasai Partners